
High Quality Reliable Aggregates

We take great pride in sourcing and using the finest quality aggregates in our construction projects. These high-grade aggregates form the strong foundation upon which we build, ensuring durability and structural integrity in every project we work on.

Building sand is soft sand used to make mortar for bricklaying.

19 mm stone is used for blending with 13 mm stone for concrete for foundations, floors and landscaping. It is also used for bedding electrical cables and pipes in water logged trenches. It is used in landscaping, as well as driveways.

Plaster sand is a very fine and clean, washed river sand that is specifically intended for plastering.

Builders mix is produced from a blend of river sand and 19mm local stone.

River Sand is a natural sand that is made from weathering or erosion processes, unlike other sands that are made from crushing rock. River Sand can vary in gradation but is typically coarse sand.